What is good content ?

<aside> 💡 Good content (1) resonates with or (2) provides practical value to your audience.


Let's break it down.

1. How do people resonate with what you do ?

For people to connect with your content, you only need one thing : content that triggers strong emotional response.

To do that :

  1. Define what type of emotion you want them to feel

    Is it joy, anger, compassion, empathy, laught..?

  2. Express it in the most impactful way you can think of

    The same story can be taught in different formats : songs, movies, articles or vlogs...

The thing i found is that the more senses and dimensions you add to your content, the more emotions you'll generate.

Try that :

  1. Read the lyrics of a song you resonate with —> The message is powerful
  2. Now listen to the song while reading the lyrics —> Wow, the music is beautiful
  3. Now see a saved concert of the artist singing the song —> Wow, we feel the pain on his face
  4. Now see a live concert of the artist —> Man, what the f***!?