January 31, 2021
A good day is a day when at the end of it, you're feeling fullfilled.
You're fullfilled when you've done meaningful things.
So let's try to break it down.
Our objective to create a better day is to maximize meaningful things and minimize non-meaningful things.
**Good Day** = Max(meaningful things) + Min(non-meaningful things)
The thing you need to understand is that meaning creates an explicit feedback.
So one way to recognize what you find meaningful is to simply recognize what are the things that make you feel great or bad afterwards and maximize or minimize them accordingly on a daily basis.
It seems simple but it's hard because it takes one hell of a discipline to make those things happen once you understand that.
**Good day** = Max(things that make you feel great afterwards) + Min(things that make you feel bad afterwards)
Now, answer these two questions and write down the answers.